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Understanding the Dodo Graph: A Revolutionary Tool for Measuring Treatment Effectiveness

As mental health professionals, it’s important to track the effectiveness of the treatments that we provide to our clients. One of the most common ways to do this is by measuring treatment outcomes using various assessment tools. One such tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the Dodo graph, also known as the Dodo bird verdict. The dodo graph (도도그래프)  is a revolutionary way to measure the effectiveness of treatments, and this post will explain what it is and how it can help you in your practice.

The Dodo graph was first introduced by Luborsky and colleagues in 1975, who were inspired by the Dodo bird character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, which declared everyone as winners in the Caucus race. The idea behind the Dodo bird verdict was that all treatments were equally effective, just like the Dodo bird declared all participants as winners in the race. Luborsky and colleagues observed that various types of psychotherapies, such as psychoanalytic, behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapies, were equally effective in treating depression.

In simple terms, the Dodo bird verdict refers to the concept that all psychotherapies are equally effective. The Dodo graph is a visual representation of this concept, illustrating that various treatments yield similar outcomes. Dodo graphs typically show a mean score of treatment effectiveness across a range of different treatments. The graph will often be in the form of a bathtub, with most treatments clustering around the middle of the graph, demonstrating the notion that most treatments have similar levels of effectiveness.

The Dodo graph is a valuable tool for measuring treatment effectiveness, particularly for clinicians who employ multiple therapies in their practice. It can help caregivers and patients feel assured that they are receiving quality treatment, even if the treatment changes over time. It can also help clinicians gain a broader perspective on how different treatments can be combined or substituted to maximize therapeutic outcomes.

While the notion of all treatments being equally effective might appear discouraging, this concept is not entirely accurate. Recent studies have revealed that some treatments work better for certain individuals or situations. It is essential to understand that the Dodo graph only suggests treatments have similar average effectiveness across a population, but individual differences do occur, and the Dodo graph’s efficacy could vary in specific situations.

Moreover, the Dodo graph can provide important insights into how psychotherapies work, contributing to more effective treatments. By assessing the Dodo graphs, clinicians or researchers can identify the factors that contribute to effective outcomes and improve their psychotherapeutic strategies. They can also compare various therapies’ efficacy in different populations to identify treatments that might work better for particular individuals.


In conclusion, the Dodo graph is a revolutionary tool for measuring treatment outcomes. It provides insights into the effectiveness of psychotherapies and helps to identify which treatments work best for specific individuals or situations. While it’s important to remember that individual differences do exist, the Dodo graph provides a useful starting point for understanding treatment effectiveness. By using the Dodo graph, clinicians can make more informed treatment decisions and provide high-quality care to their patients.